Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Sum of Who We Are

Attention Board Members.
The following is the first swipe at our elevator speech.

A social network of coaches, dedicated to the improvement of the coach client relationship. Enhancing the coaching experience by a selection through assessment process, and a integrity through accountability system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,
Thank you for the encouraging response, I really want to give as much as I can to People Are Ready. I got a chance to read that entire article that you recommended on the blog. It was very informative about the business and answered quite a few questions that I had, but didn't know that I had, if that makes sense to you. Meaning it was information that I really wanted to know subconsciously but didn't have the question myself. Especially at the end where the skeptics asked questions that it seems everyone who is not familiar with the coaching business asks.
Clayton Petzel