Wednesday September 13th at 8:00pm we had our first People Are Ready phone conference.
Paul started on the Purpose of why a board of directors.
He went to a presentation on a view of the future, and the exciting times that we’re in.
Also went into our beliefs of what is best for the Coaching Industry, on how coaches would benefit from a uniformed look and business plan.
That coaches and clients would greatly benefit from an assessment (profile) test.
What was agreed on by the Board of Directors:
1) Conference calls at the same time, every month for 90 days, then move into a weekly call.
2) That the first stage of People Are Ready will be launched in 90 days.
3) That there will be a thread of communication through a weblog, “Blog”
The five key elements of a successful Team:
1. Communication, crystal clear understanding of what is expected of them.
2. Creativity, using imagination is the secret to this part, no normality.
3. Connectivity, being able to connect with anyone on any thought.
4. Fearless, allowing you’re self to make mistakes, for the purpose of learning permitted.
5. Ego Free, the human ego is a cruel animal; it will lead you into a false sense of security, and hold you back from being all that you can be.